Friday, August 7, 2009

Not enough Friday.

It's friday and I'm already feeling like this little guy in his wheel.

And like this manic little hamster I keep getting back on that spinning wheel no matter how many times I get flipped off. So much to do to get ready for the weekend. I have loads of vintage/antique goodies to photograph...gotta price them as well and get them in the shop...always a good thing.
Priced these swizzle sticks last evening while weeping through the end of Marley and Me. I was a blubbering mess and couldn't wait for Kota to come back into the room and give me a wet kiss to say it was alright.

But how cute and bright and happy are these and what fun to put in your favorite cold beverage. Sometimes the most delightful things in life are the "little extras".

The wonderful vintage chopping bowl is another one of my recent finds. Original patina and a nice big size.

Gotta finish out my 8 -5 gig and can't sneak out early on this lovely Georgia day because I am providing coverage for two other folks. Oh the responsiblities a girl has to take on.
Gotta run to the PO and send off my passport for a name change. Want my new married name on my passport so I can travel to the sea before the year is up.
Gotta walk my son through his first home buying session. What to look for, what not to do, etc. Such an exciting time for him.
Gotta swing by a local cafe for their incredible, you wanna lay down on the floor and scream chocolate cupcakes. A weekend demands nothing less.
Gotta...gotta...gotta. Oh yea, I'm on that hamster wheel spinning faster than I can blog. STILL ... how wonderfully blessed I am to have such richness in my life.
I wish all of you no less. Go, have a splendid weekend.


  1. You're a busy girl. Sometime I wonder how I will get everything done...but it usually works out. Hope you week-end is a fun and enjoyable. I am going to check out how my booth at the antique mall is coming along, then, off to the auction tonight. The chocolate cupcke sounds dee-lish....I think I could use one...hugs, Kathleen

  2. Hey cobalt, enameled & fabulous! Glad you liked my sweet table...I know I enjoyed your comment. Thanks! Marley & Me...the book made me sob like a baby...Hubby & I let go our 14 year old yellow lab almost 3 years ago, the most heart wrenching day of my life...I held him to the end..and now I'm crying on my keyboard...and after 3 years it shouldn't still hurt, but it does, damn the tears. He was my sweet Buck & I still miss him. Sorry for the sad on a beautiful Sunday morning...I cannot replace him, so I took in 3 homeless unloved kittehs...I love em all, & the baby's on her way to be "defertilized" on Tuesday...arm & a leg, but I promised Buck I'd do it...Yes...maybe a screw or 2 loose today... :o} Happy Sunday *elaine*

  3. Move over ! I'm on that wheel with you , LOL . Thanks for stopping by today !

  4. I haven't watched Marley and me cause I know it will make me cry. Hope your weekend was wonderful. I had chocolate cupcakes too-yum! We just went through the home buying process with our son. What an exciting experience first time home buying is. Can't wait to hear where your sea-side trip will be. I have to get a passport very soon you never know when a great travel opportunity will arise :)
