Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Silk Ribbons

The silk ribbons are here,
the silk ribbons are here!!!
Patricia Winter of Pat Winter Gatherings blog posted that she was getting ready to hand dye silk ribbons. You can catch that posting at this link http://gatherings100.blogspot.com/2009/09/catching-upso-much-to-share.html.
I use silk ribbons in my jewelry and after seeing the lovely, multi color strands on her blog posting I had to order immediately. So many glorious colors to choose from it was hard choosing but I had to narrow my choices to colors that I use most often with my beadwork. If I were "queen" I would have a strand of every color she offers. LOL.
I ordered black, lilac, aqua, and turquoise and Pat even included some free ribbons as well. I love a freebie or "blog swag" ... thank you Pat.

How luscious are these colors? I can't wait to utilize them in my beadwork and jewelry.
Pat, you dye beautiful ribbons and I will be ordering again soon.

If you would like to order some of her fabulous ribbons, contact Pat at the information listed above. Have a great day, everyone. Sea Witch


  1. Ribbons! Oh how exciting! I love this song~~

  2. The rainbow of ribbons...makes me smile! In my mothers things I found some small packs of hand dyed silk ribbons, and have used them, sparingly, in crafts & scrapbook pages I have done. They're so beautiful, I don't want to use them all up...Moms came from a woman in Moline, IL, and the colors make me smile & think of my mother, every time I use them. silly sentimental ol' fool I seem to be turnin' into...:o} Happy Wednesday *elaine*

  3. Those are pretty! I can't wait to see pics of what you do with them. I do know that your hand work is exquisite..I am so in love with my brooch!

    Thanks for the info on Pat's site.

    Have a great day!

  4. Can't wait to see how you use those pretty ribbons in your jewelry! BTW, I love your blog! --I feel so refreshed every time I visit--I am a real "water baby" too, and just love it all!!

  5. Now thats pure ribon bliss my friend~

  6. Thanks for your note on my Springfield post! Sniff. I think I'm almost recovered. Ha. Love the ribbons -- they look good enough to eat. xo

  7. You are so sweet to share my ribbons on your blog. I really must thank you for making me get off my hiney and search for the right black dye that is true and not blue or purple.I'd love to see how you use them.Thanks again

  8. I love silk ribbons. How beautiful. You'll have to definitely share pictures of the jewelry you make with them...Can't wait. Have a wonderful day.


  9. Hello
    Thanks for stopping by - I love the silk ribbons! The colors are beautiful. Great find thanks for sharing.
    I hope you have a great Sunday. I have a full plate also and isn't it great! thanks for inspiring...
