Thursday, October 1, 2009

October is here!

I cannot believe that this year will be over in 92 days. Where has the time flown this year? October is one of my favorite months with the sky always a brilliant blue, warm southern days and cool enough nights to keep your windows open while you sleep and a blanket wrapped around to keep you toasty. It also means I have to get into hyper drive and start filling my two booths with holiday items. Halloween is just around the corner and I found another pile of "horror & ghost story" books at my local Goodwill and repurposed them into Halloween decor. I enjoy repurposing everyday things (often found at Goodwill on the cheap) and giving them a new life.

Vintage wine glass and patina candlestick with a little faux blood provide the illusion of a quiet evening gone bad.

Vintage medicine bottle, brass candlestick and blood spattered gauze suggest a Frankenstonian physician's library of favorite reads.
Sweet vintage lampbase, faux pearls, a little blood and Stephen King novels about "strong women" are a nice Halloween touch.
I decorated with several of these in the foyer of my home over Halloween last year. They had a marvelous, realistic look when lights were dimmed and the candles lit.

Really easy to just purchase 3-5 inch nut and bolt sets, drill a hole up the middle of the books you want to use and screw them tight with the bolt sets. Glue down the candlesticks and any other theme items, pour a little red acrylic paint for the right touch of spilled blood and you have Halloween realism Hollywood style. Sea Witch


  1. How creative. I love it. I might just have to try it. They look bloody good Get it...bloody good LOL. Anyways, just wanted to thank you for your kind and uplifting words yesterday. If you have a moment come over and see what I did. Have a wonderful October 1st.


  2. Great Halloween ideas! I love October, too. Fall is my favorite season. Thanks for your nice note on Joe's b-day post. Kosher Catholic, wow! Joe always says he's "Old Order Catholic." (We live in an Amish area, and "Old Order" is the strictest kind!) xo PS: I need to get you on my blog roll; sorry to be slow at that.

  3. thanks for sharing those Halloween "Hollywood set secrets"...too good!!

    have a great weekend!
