Thursday, January 7, 2010

Schoolhouse Rock is 37

Thirty-seven years ago this week, ABC television, during Saturday morning cartoons, introduced one the most loved educational commercial ventures for children everywhere. It was called Schoolhouse Rock.  I remember these when I was a girl and my sisters and I always enjoyed singing along with them.  (In fact, I even have the CD of the best of Schoolhouse Rock).  I know my kids remember the songs, even if they thought the animation was a bit lame.

Here are three of my favorites, so click on the videos and travel back to Saturday morning cartoons time and sing along.  I know you already know the words.

Interjections, shows excitement, shows emotion!

"No More Kings."

and of course everyone remembers, "Nouns, a person, place or thing." 

and let's not forget its introduction before each song:

As your body grows bigger
Your mind grows flowered
It's great to learn
Cause knowledge is power!

It's Schoolhouse Rocky
That chip off the block
Of your favourite schoolhouse
Schoolhouse Rock!

On another note, I have pulled the music from my blog for a few weeks.  I wanted to hear from you, as visitors to the blog, is the music annoying and/or does it interfere with your pages loading.  I rarely put "sound" on websites for those very reasons, but blogs are a different breed of webcat and I have received many comments about how you have enjoyed my choices.  Still, if it is preferred to have no music automatically piping up, I would like to hear from you.  Leave a comment or send me an email and let me know. 

Have a delightful day everyone.  Sea Witch--who will  now go and unpack her adjectives.


  1. I always loved them too! My favorite was "I'm just a bill".

    Thanks for posting the videos, I really enjoyed seeing them again!

  2. "I'm just a Bill" was my favorite too!

  3. I've run across several blogs asking a very similar question regarding music. I love to go to a blog and see what that person is interested in musically as well as thought wise. For me it's another sharing.
    My daughter has now "infected" my grands with SHR and lots of times at breakfast they are already singing away. Too wonderful.

  4. Ok, I guess I will be the "fly in the ointment". My computer is in my living room. Many times I am blogging and reading blogs, while my husband watches TV. When the unexpected music comes is disruptive. So, I am one of those who prefers not to hear the music. But I love your blog, Sea Witch!
    hugs, Kathleen

  5. I love your blog..the music depends on my mood..I always have the off you do what you like...

  6. Oh how I loved SHR! My favorite was Figure 8 because of the skating!
    As far as the music goes, most of those I questioned about it said they would prefer to click a link and listen than it have come on automatically.

  7. THe music hasn't bothered, though it often does on many other blogs.

    I know of Schoolhouse Rock, but I don't think I've ever seen an episode. I loved Captain Kangaroo and Romper Room, and Sesame Street annoyed me to no end.

  8. Oh Seawitch, I am feeling very old. 37 years...
    Your photo's from Tulum are spectacular.


  9. I loved your videos in this post. I must be old as dirt, my kids were little babies and I didn't have time to watch much tv back then.
    You write the neatest comments when you stop by. I always smile when I read what you write. Many Blessings my friend. And thank you!

  10. Hi Sea Witch
    I took the music off my blog after the New year. I felt that I needed some peaceful silence after the holidays. :-) Not one person commented about it, so I have a suspicion that no one was listening to it! I might insert it in an individual post if I feel it is appropriate.

    My children loved School House Rock! Wish there were more shows like that.
