Friday, February 19, 2010

Feeling Belly Up

Yup, this is one of those days where I am feeling like a fish... belly-up

Of course, it is all my own doing and now I am dealing with the consequences of my own actions.  I have a tendancy to take on more than I should.  My honey often says I have oars in many oceans and he is correct.  About once or twice a year I realize I have taken on too much and it then overtakes me...which makes me feel more like a bloated fish with all of the activities and responsiblities I have piled on myself.

Oh, yea, that's me!

So, between preparing income taxes for family, the items I have to price and get in the shop, prepare a proposal for a website build, returning my home to its original setup following a delightful visit from family, get out birthday gifts to family, send care package to son in Afganistan, catch up on all of my blogging favorites and friends (of which I am shamelessly and woefully behind), dealing with all of the crisis's that just happened to float to the top at work (it's what happens when you herd engineers for a living) and finishing up some jewelry commisisons, I am that puffed out puffer fish.

Well, I'm preparing a pot of "gun powder" tea...nope, it is not deadly, just the opposite, it brews up as a nice, smooth tea and just what I need to feel unpuffed again.  Thank you for each and every time you stop by for a visist and your wonderful comments.  I promise I will catch up with all of you later next week.  Have a wonderful weekend my frends and stay unpuffed!  Sea Witch


  1. hey girl, do what you need too, we will be right here. Sounds like you are a busy lady. Life does seem to have it's busier moments at times. I feel like that big round fish when I eat too much. LOL :) Have a good week end, see you soon, hugs, Kathleen

  2. ahh you poor thing..put your feet up, take care..have a fun week-end..

  3. Well, you have a sense of humour that'll see you through, and that's vitally important!

  4. woo hoo! I'm so glad that I can post now!

    I've been enjoying your blog for a long time now - in fact, it's been on my blog roll quite a while LOL.

    Sounds like you have a lot going on, so I won't ramble one second longer!

  5. Hi Dari, i know the feeling!
    Hogs & Kisses - Piggy

  6. My Mom used to tell me the goldfish was just taking a break...swimming all the time can be exhausting...and it was crazy, after his nap, he swam around again...which was always after my nap...where she got another goldfish! Take care of yuorself, we only have one you!

  7. Please try to take some time for yourself to relax and'll make yourself sick if you don't. Like my hubby says..."It will all be there tomorrow" Sending you a great big hug.

    Much love to you,

  8. I know how you feel ... my life has been hectic lately as I am being squeezed by "sandwich generation" issues. Life can weigh heavy at times.

    I love your fish illustrations in this post! :-)

    My dad use to take me fishing when I was little and I would catch those puffer fish. We always threw them back in.
