Tuesday, March 2, 2010

It's at it AGAIN!

Yup, it's snowing again in Atlanta.  If I truly didn't video it myself, I wouldn't believe it.  Here is a short video taken of the snow falling just outside my office building this morning.  

Schools are closing early and sis will leave downtown around 3:00 pm to avoid the horrible traffic that will happen as people scramble to pick up children and bring them home.  As for me, all of this snow makes me want to go home and change into warm, toasty loose clothing, brew some gun powder tea and starch and iron Edwardian whites.   I adore starching and ironing whites and other pretty textiles wrought from creative hands.  It is therapeutic for me.  Some folks like to clean, others reorganize closets...I like to iron.  Stay warm and healthy!  Sea Witch


  1. oooh!

    here in New England it seems the snow never stops.

    Please! feel free to visit anytime and do my ironing for me!

  2. Brrrrrrr, talk about goosebumps on mermaids, yewoeeeee. Just cuz I'm a stinker, tee hee, it's 62 degrees and the sun is out and shining....but then by Thursday we are supposed to have s-n-o-w.

  3. wow who knew it snowed in the south..here in Vancouver, canada, spring has arrived...take care now driving home..

  4. I am so glad you like to IRON cause I have a basket full. Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!
    Whimsical Hugs

  5. more wintery weather- thankfully we seem over the worst of it in the u.k...i think u cope with it better than us! hehe...i have to admitt i like the beauty of white stuff looks magical! ;0)xx lovely blog as always xx

  6. Hi Witch,

    Funny, my sis loves to iron, but ME...well give me a Brillo pad and lots of pots and pans and I'm in Heaven! Ain't that a hoot? I love the shine on the pans after they have been cleaned with a Brillo pad! The water just beads off of them...LOL

  7. I love to iron too. I wait till its awful outside, then pull out my pile and my ironing board and spend a day doing that. It warms the house and makes the piles smaller. Right now I have a ton to iron because of the move. I use many of them and with the move, to save on paper and packing materials, I used many of my linens that way. So now they are all wrinkled and messy.

    Its ok......with the rainy weather we get, once I get organized, Ill be able to spend many wonderful days catching up.
