Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The house began to pitch.

The kitchen took a slitch, well actually it was the computer room. Didn't wake up in Munchkin land but it is that time of the year when we see lots of thunder and lightning storms in the south.  Mother Nature will often give up a wonderful show and at night it is like trying to sleep in the middle of a disco between the booms of thunder claps and the disco ball of lightning that goes on for hours all often accompanied by heavy winds.  Minus the "twister" action, Dorothy would have been proud. 

Sometime during the storm or shortly after, the tree in our front yard split and hit the roof of our home. 

It did not break any windows or put a huge hole in the roof.  It did take out the gutters but that is an easy fix.  Hopefully, the structure did not sustain damage, but that is for an adjuster to determine.

The smaller of the two giant limbs hit the house. 

The largest limb crashed between my neighbor's house and mine and missed their bay window by inches.  There is alot to be thankful for as this could have produced a lot of damage or potentially hurt someone.

So now I make the third call to my insurance company for a claim in the the last 45 days.   What gives, I haven't had a single claim in over 30 years, but now it's the "trifecta", the "hat trick" of homeowners claims and all on the roof.   Whatever the message is, I'm trying very hard to read it.  Still, I'm thankful that no one was hurt, a hole was NOT put in the roof and my only real concern is "if what is left of the tree can be saved."  

Now everybody sing,  

The house began to pitch. The kitchen took a stitch.
It landed on the Wicked Witch in the middle of a ditch,

Which was not a healthy situation for the Wicked Witch.

The house began to pitch. The kitchen took a stitch.
It landed on the Wicked Witch in the middle of a ditch,
Which was not a healthy situation for the Wicked Witch.

Who began to twitch and was reduced to just a stitch of what was once the Wicked Witch.

Have a marvelous day full of winged monkeys, munchkins and hopefully a pair of really great red shoes will fall your way.  Sea Witch


  1. Did you know the words to that ditty by heart or did you have to look 'em up? If you knew them, I'm danged impressed. Sooo glad most of your house was spared. Hang on!

  2. Hello Witch,

    Sorry to hear about all the damage but happy that it was not worse and that no on was hurt.

    Hope the adjuster treats you well!

  3. whoa - that must have been scary! so glad you only sustained minor damage.

    I don't ever need lyrics to Wizard of Oz songs - LOL - we go to the once-a-year showing in our local art cinema and recite every word verbatim along with the actors. LOL

    I need a life.

  4. Happy to hear no one was hurt, and and that the house did not actually fall in. But any damage is costly, and it can be frightening. Hugs, Kathleen

  5. I just hate to see a great old tree bite the dust.
    And you my friend, I hope that you are wearing red shoes:)

  6. Wow thank goodness you are all fine. I remember those horrendous lightening storms during the 5 years I was in Missouri. I do not miss them!

  7. We just had a huge limb fall last week too. What a mess, but all cleaned up! Sorry you had damage, ours was minimal.

  8. Sorry you are going through another insurance mess! Cleverly presented post shows you are looking at the glass half full. Best wishes for some nice, dull times! ~ Angela

  9. Hi Sea witch,

    Glad no one was hurt. We have had some crazy tree "episodes" the last few years. Hang in there.

    Big hugs,

  10. Do U have any idea about the Roofing Denver contractors that provide roof repairing services at affordable prices?

  11. Do U have any idea about the Roofing Denver contractors that provide roof repairing services at affordable prices?

  12. Wow! Know you guys have been hard hit by the weather. Close call!! Yikes. Hope there was no major damage and that that's it now. Glad you liked the bird cage. Come see us again. xo

  13. I haven't visited you in a little while and this happens, there is no telling what will happen from day to day.
    The angels were watching over you, what are the chances that the biggest branch would fall between the homes. Go figure. I'm so glad no one was hurt as well. Much Love Lisa.

  14. wow!! close call...so glad you are all o.k.

  15. Wow, to think of all that could have happen, yikes! I'm just happy no one got hurt and that there was not much damage...Sending you all my best wishes.

    Hugs and Kisses,

  16. So glad all of you were ok. So weird our weather in the South..well actually...so weird all of the weather lately!
