Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Home by the Sea

One of my great dreams is to live by the sea. To see the sky and weather change with the sound of waves crashing against sand or rock.  Feeling the winds breath through my hair as it makes every attempt to pull my handspun sweater or shawl from my shoulders.  I don't care where the coordinates are of the location of the home is...I just want to be near the sea.  This need is only magnified each and every time I return from the water so I indulge my need with photos of homes by the sea.

Love this wraparound porch of this lazy looking beach house.
The ice cream colors of these beach houses make them look like doll houses.

These are rental homes in Tahiti...Love the idea of sleeping over the water and then being able to jump in and go diving at any given whim.

This home may need some TLC, but I love it, especially the iron widows walk at the top of the roof.  I can imagine the women who stood there looking out for when their sea captain returns.  I know, you can say it...I romance homes of this sort, but I so believe they carry a marvelous spirit within. 

Oh yes.  I could live in a lighthouse like this

Or like this one.  Lighthouses also entice with a mys'teec about them.  I've always been drawn to the lightkeepers home, it must be the commitment to ensure a safe passage into the harbor that I admire.

However, my favorite home by the sea, hands down is the Owens Sisters home in Practical Magic.  Everything about this home calls me.  I am "at home" when I look at these pictures or watch the movie.  I will watch Practical Magic just to enter that home over and over again.

This home with its fabulous gables and widows walk at the top.  A lightkeepers attic that looks out to the sea below.  Heaven to me.  Absolute heaven.

The view from the street and the ocean in the background. sigh.

Side porch is perfect for tea and reading or just day dreaming.

The Conservatory looks out over the sea. Love the way nature has grown into in and around it.
So many of the angles of this house provides an entrance to the sea.

A view of that magnficent kitchen with the marvelous pantry of cupboards all around.

One of my favorite rooms in this magnificent house...the dining room. The room evolved into a work room and when I first saw the loom and spinning wheel turning, my heart leapt.  I have two spinning wheels, one a great walking wheel like in the picture and then a Scottish Castle Wheel of which I spin on. 

The wheels, the looms, the wools, the silks, the cottons, the fibers...if I cannot be in the water, I want to be immersed in fiber.
So there you have it.  My dream home is the Practical Magic house by the sea.   Do you have a favorite house, please share in a future post and let me know to link to it.
Sea Witch


  1. Aaah! Love all the houses. Maybe in another life we lived by the sea. Oh, to return. You're right!

  2. Beautiful post my friend! There is nothing quite like the saltwater air and seaspray and the roar of the waves to ease your many thoughts. Someday, I know you WILL live by the sea~

  3. love camping by the sea..feel the rumbling of the waves and smell of the sea..i'll live with you by the sea...

  4. I've dreamed of living by the sea for so long...but have finally landed in my Sea Cottage that is not by the sea but near enough to go often in 'the pearl' I am happy. Though I've been longing for the sea air all week!

  5. A conservatory by the sea would be the cherry on the cake...but lighthouse living I've looked into. Usually purchased by the states they are in for like $1.00 with a promise to restore them otherwise they go up to bid to the public many are in such disrepair it would be a remodel to last for ever.

  6. I knew as soon as I saw that house that it was the one from "Practical Magic". I bought a copy of that movie just for the! I have always wanted to live by the sea and fell in love with Nova Scotia years ago and someday...someday...sigh
    Strangely enough though I am terrified of dark, deep water so no scuba for me, I just walk and watch!
    Tina xo

  7. I totally agree. That house in Practical Magic is awesome. And I love that kitchen. I understand that its just a shell of a house put there for the film. They were not allowed to build there. And the rooms were sets but wow what movie magic huh?

  8. Heres the link to heh house info for Practical Magic. This site is fun because they peek into many homes and movie homes.

  9. Delightful post! There is something about being close to nature that is so uplifting. When I am at the shore I want to live there, and when I am in the mountains that is where I want to live.
    Of course I'd miss Manhattan if I ever moved away from the city, so I'm not sure where I am supposed to live, Sea Witch.

    I do like theat Practical Magic house!

  10. Oh that Practical Magic house is fantastic! I grew up in Virginia Beach and visited many beautiful homes. The other night I was watching House Hunters on HGTV and they were showing house boats in Seattle WA. They were so darn charming!

  11. Ooooh I LOVE the practical magic house too and love the one with the iron on it. *sigh*

  12. I have to agree with you on a favorite....from Practical Magic. I will dream of having a house like that for the rest of my life. *sigh* My favorite part of the house is the solarium with all the plants. *sigh* *sigh* *sigh*

  13. Fantastic houses, I have always wanted to live by the sea, I am drawn to it, Devon or Cornwall used to be my dream however, anywhere that I can afford will do,! My son has vistited NC & the outer Banks & he thinks that I would love it there!

  14. I would have a difficult time deciding which house to live in, if I was given a choice. Love those candy colored homes, and those huts over the sea....How glorious would that be? I've already lived in a lighthouse, so check that one off for me. Beautiful post Witch!
    Hugs, Kathleen

  15. I think all of these houses would be magnificent, just to hear the sound of the sea would be marvellous.

  16. I too have had a lifelong love affair with the ocean. I was living inland, trapped in the WRONG scenery, when the time came that I knew, if I didnt make the leap to make my dream come true and move to Tofino, on the wild west coast of Vancouver Island, I never would. And I knew I couldnt live without a dream. So I did the biggest trusting I have ever done and made the leap. I enjoyed the ten most glorious years of my life beside the sea, before ill health and a financial downturn forced me away from the home of my spirit. I now live an hour and a half away from it, the closest I can afford to be, and have made a home here as best I can. My heart still longs for the sea. So of course your site called to me big-time! BEAUTIFUL art and photos, a feast to puruse over time........wonderful site!

  17. Hi Dari,

    Years ago, I lived by the sea. Loved everything about it. The smell, the feel, the RUST!
    I would take any of those houses- they all are stunning.

    Thank you so much for your comment and prayer. I feel like I won the lotto. Still celebrating around here.

    big hugs,

  18. Good Morning Witch! Haven't talked to you in awhile. I guess I've let life get too dang hectic!! But, I will try to catch up on my blog reading. I hope you had a wonderful vacation and brought back lots of good memories. I know you are devastated about the oil spill. Those houses are to die for!! I can imagine the many hours that were spent looking out to sea and praying for the safe return of a loved one or to watch the precarious weather conditions. I can see you living in that lighthouse...maybe you should look into that one!

    Have a great week!

  19. I love your story of the witch's broom. I have a smaller one, not a real one, but one I picked up at the Sally Ann that has a sign on it saying "If the broom fits" (cackle, cackle :))It swings from my porch roof.

    I also enjoyed a short visit to my beloved beach at your Vitamin Beach this morning. Thank you! I so miss it.

  20. Do you know who designed the Owens house or where i can find blueprints or it. My dad just bought land near the water in NY and he wants me to help with a design i'd like so he can build it before we move?
