Sunday, July 18, 2010

New Booth Peek

Busy weekend prepping my new booth.  I prefer a gallery setting when selling antiques, but I have found that here in the south, the more you can dig through a booth full of merchandise, the better customers like it.  My larger booth is always stuffed to the gills with merchandise, but I really, really wanted to offer up a gallery look with Victorian antiques and turn of the century items.  I like the look of a "room" with antique items displaying how you would live with them so that is the rationale behind this second booth. 

My booth before I did any redecorating.  Dark, pine green wall with white pegboard on one side.  Green faux marble tiles. I forgot to take this without the flash so the green looks lighter than it really is. Sophie (my Victorian dress form) is waiting for a Victorian gown of which I will bring next week.  The next photo shows the dark green pegboard. The booth looks tiny and dark because of it.

Tools of the trade--wallpaper, paint, paint roller/brushes and a tall, icy unsweetened ice tea.  Yea, I know, I am an embarrassment to the fine southern tradition called sweet tea.  More like syrup or hummingbird food, I just can't stand the stuff.  I prefer lots of ice and a robust fresh tea minus any sweeteners.

The paint dudes called this shade of green sage, but I had them drop a dollop of true blue in the mix and it softens the yellow tones often found in green shades.  Gives it a wonderful "Williamsburg" green tone.

Everything got painted this Williamsburg green. All of the pegboard and most of the back wall.  Since wallpaper was going to cover half of it, I did not paint to the top. Can't wait until it finished drying so I can do the wallpaper.

Added the wallpaper and created faux panels on the pegboard.  This was the best wallpaper I had ever hung.  Superior quality, hung like a dream and had tons of paste on the back.  Too much actually and it poured down the freshly painted walls. After cleaning what paste I could, I had to let it dry before I could put the final coat on the bottom wall. Next came creating faux panels on the pegboard.  I taped off long rectangles using painters tape and then using metallic gold spray paint, I sprayed around the edges of the tape.  It dried quickly so upon pulling off the tape, I had nice, neat rectangules on the pegboard.  Roped everything off and hung a few signs and called it a day.  Went home to my honey, cleaned up and off to Outback for a steak and potato dinner.

Sunday afternoon, I'm back at the booth.  Have to put a final coat of paint on lower wall and hang molding from top and along wall paper edge.  I decided to do an antique metallic gold on the molding as a nice compliment to the traditional look of the wall paper.  I really like how this played out.

Closeup shot of the wallpaper and gilt molding.  I had more compliments on this wall paper by passing customers and the Queen of Hearts staff, so I thought I would share where I got it from.  I purchased it online from Wall Paper and More.  Lovely patterns and their clearance section is to die for.  This pattern is from their clearance section so I got a great price on it.  As mentioned above, this was the easiest and nicest quality wallpaper that I have ever used and I have wallpapered for decades.  So if you are looking for quality wallpaper that is a dream to work with, I highly recommend Wall Paper and More.

All finished.  Paint on lower back wall is still drying and I moved in a few items to give it a "teaser" look before the opening next week.  Space looks so much larger then when I originally looked at it. I LOVE IT.

Now the faux marble tiles look softer as they match the paint color.

My lovely, pecan wood Civil War Era settee looks spectacular against this background.

My little welcome sign.  So, I came home covered in paint ( I alway dive into my tools and tend to wear what I create) but loving the finished look. I will be pricing items to put in but this will be a minimalist look as I do not want to pack it with merchandise.  I truly want it to look like a room that you would visit on a Victorian home tour.  So, it's off to put my tired dogs up, pop a movie in and watch something with my honey.  Have a lovely evening.  Sea Witch


  1. Great colors, wallpaper, and panel effects!! Can't wait to see it in person.....Martha and I will be opening in the large middle space by the front window Aug 1. Hopefully we will cross paths there one day!

  2. It looks fabulous. I love the settee :)

  3. Looking very nice. That is a great old trunk you have.

  4. I think I want to live in your booth! Yes, how very lovely it is here!

    Cellar Door

  5. I'm with cellar door, I want to live there!
    Wow it looks so inviting and just like the kind of place I would want to browse and shop. Beautiful job with the decorating!
    Tina xo

  6. Your booth already looks inviting! I can't wait till it's done and I can come see.

  7. We were there Sunday afternoon (two weeks in a row) and saw your booth in the the look and can't wait to see it full.
    You always create a fabulous display of great finds.
    Happy Selling!!

  8. That looks fabulous !!! I love the setee.
    I have one wall in my livingroom with almost the same shade of green and I love it !!! The other side has a soft creamy colour. My hubby and I both love the combination. Lots of luck getting everything ready !!!

  9. I would love to stop by... where is the Queen of Hearts located? I neeeeed that settee! OMG, that wall paper is gorgeous. What good taste you have. I also live for the sea, but am stranded on land near Atlanta. :(

  10. Oh I just love the re-do ...great colour and decore..

  11. This space is fabulous! Your use of color, wallpaper and tile gives it such a warm, inviting feel. I am sure you will have many people stop by ~ Your decorating skills and items you choose to display are hard to resist.
    ♥ audrey

  12. how beautiful!! i like the name of your booth too :)

  13. Oh your new space turned out just beautiful. Wishing you all the best in this new booth my dear friend. Have a wonderful weekend.

    Hugs and Kisses,
