Friday, August 13, 2010

Where "IS" everybody?

Where is everyone?  Blog favorites are days, weeks and a few months from their last posting. I'm kinda sad because I so love visiting all of your marvelous blogs.

I'm so farklempt that I'm wearing pancakes on my head. (farklempt -  delightful yiddish word meaning "choked up with emotion") 

I swam out of my little fishy hole of life to visit you.  Wheeeeeeerrrrrrreeeee aaaaaaararrrrreeeeee yooooooouuuuuuu?

I even brought some friends along to say hello.  Please come out and blog with us.

Okay.  I've blogged my message, let's have tea, shall we?

I'd suggest one lump or two but then that will only set the comments wagging. Oh, wait, that is exactly what I want. LOL.  Wishing everyone a wonderful weekend.  Sea Witch


  1. I'm always here. Must not be among the ones you favor. But you can visit me if you're really bored.

  2. I'm around and about, just busy TRYING to finish my studio for blog pics in between filling orders. I tend to spend more time bloghopping in the fall and winter.

  3. The last picture reminds me of a story my dad used to tell, he said when he was a little boy he asked his mom why this woman they knew had such large breasts. My grandmother told him that it's because she used to eat small boys. He said he was so afraid of that woman for the longest :) Can you picture that. The bunny pic is cute too. Have good Friday, T

  4. Lovely pictures...Every one seems exceptionally busy...I think we really do blog more in winter time...Hope your well.x.

  5. Whoa! who is the lady with the ottoman on her chest? And I thought I needed to lose a little weight..:(
    It has been quiet around blogland and most people (me!) just seem to be bone tired of the heat, the garden work, the art project that are taking WAY longer than I thought they would...uh huh...poor planning!
    Oh well maybe things will get back to normal soon. Oh I will have a post today about a doll I made, so there....
    Have a super day sea-gal
    Tina xo

  6. Hi Sea Witch, I am glad you found our blog. It was nice of you to visit and also happy you liked the beach collection. I liked the photos you posted and the last was intresting! I didnt think the Victorians had such good humor. Have a great Weekend......Julian

  7. I love that last picture. She could fit a whole tea set there!

  8. I couldn't stop laughing at your latest posts...particularly the rabbit and the teacups....I will never complain about my boobs being too big again.

    Hope you find your friends again blogging...maybe they are on holidays.

    Love your blog Have a nice weekend and visit any time

  9. I'm here and still posting. Just behind a bit on my blog reading.
    Love the bunny with the pancakes. :)
    xx, shell

  10. I'm still here!!! And enjoying a cup of tea too...I love your background...Dzintra♥x

  11. I'm here! It's been a crazy busy summer so far. I am never far from you and the sea keeps us connected always~~~

  12. I am here, but I went back to work this week after three weeks of holidays so I am kind of pooched. My DH has been working a lot of hours too so I have not had much time to blog. I will try to update mine this week end.
    Have a nice weekend!

  13. I was wondering the same thing lately! Maybe everybody is outdoors enjoying the summer while it lasts. I know I've been blogging less and catching up less lately for that reason! I hope everything picks up in the fall.

    Those photos are funny and cute!


  14. Cute pictures, fun post. I've been having blogger issues and have not been able to post like I used to. I am trying to catch up in more ways than one...but I will try to make it a point to show up more even though I can only post on my blog via Flickr...but right now I have so much crocheting I want to get done and spend more time with my little dog, Gizzy, instead of making him watch me sit in front of the computer...
    I hope you are doing well. Have a nice weekend :-)
    Doris and Gizzy

  15. hahaha I must not be a favourite as I post pretty regular.... if you're bored lol
    You and your mermaidy friends are welcom eto visit anytime. Im in the process of making my own mermaidy friend

  16. Yes I am here reading... but find myself full of conclusions to the summer and family events. I miss blogging need more hours in the day. and a faster computer or one of my own!

  17. HAHAHAHA Great pictures. I loved your "lump" remark. I will refrain from commenting ~ don't want to start a riot. (:
    I've noticed quite a few bloggers are taking breaks from blogging this month. I, too, miss it when they aren't posting. Actually, I should take a break and get some of my "life stuff" done.
    However, this has become addictive. Mornings finds me reading blogs and posting without fail.
    Enjoy what is left of summer ~ Fall is approaching quickly!
    ♥ audrey

  18. Hi Dari...
    I have the most awesome video link to a 5 minute talk about sea creatures and it is amazing. I thought of you right away! If you wouldn't mind sending me an email address I can send you the link. Mine is
    Tina xo

  19. that is some way of serving tea... glad I take mine with no lumps!! haha

    love that yiddish word too.. need to remember that one.. have a great week ciao ciao xxx Julie
