Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Shower with a Friendly Bucket!

Say what?   Yes, shower with a friendly bucket!  We fill our showers with hair products, soaps, sponges, loofahs, gels, you name it. 

 So there is plenty of room to put a tiny bucket or plastic container in the bottom of the shower to collect excess water.  Water that can later be used to water any indoor plants you have or even the lavendar by your garden gate.

Every living thing gets thirsty and this is a benign way of spreading the wealth of water around by merely letting it fall into a small pail or bucket in your shower.  So much better then watching it all flow down the drain without nuturing living things.  Hopefully, you are using environmentally friendly products in the shower.  If not, ensure that the bucket only catches the excess shower head water and not what you showered off your body.

Any pail or bucket will do that you may have around the house. I just found these scrunchy, silicon buckets which are colorful and pliable and children would have fun with them as well.  Delightful colors and they fold up.  You can order them here.

The water savings may appear small at first, but each bucket you utilize rather then sending it down the drain is a positive use of this greatest resource.  It's another one of those small gestures you can do for our mother earth and to live a more gentle life upon her.  This post is part of the Genesis Project - Creating change one day at a time.  Blessings to you and all you love. Sea Witch


  1. I just love the variety of ideas that are proposed here!

    When CA had the drought in the 90's we were visiting relatives in Santa Barbara and everyone was doing this to keep their yard plants alive since there was a moratorium on watering outdoors at all.

    Why do we have to wait for drought?

    i suppose a point to make is to be sure your lotions, potions, and shampoos are environmentally friendly for the water to be re used. Even if you only gathered while you were doing your first rinse off it would matter over a period of a few showers.

    Little steps=big payoff.

    Thank you so much for joining Genesis today!


  2. Excellent idea and Suzan makes a great point about using environmentally products. Great minds working together, that's what Project Genesis is all about!

    I use my bucket to catch the rainwater for my porch plants. I'd love to have one of those BIG ones with a tap. Utility company can't charge me for rain water and I like that, lol.

  3. Wonderful ideas and advice for being earth friendly and practicing conservation. Also, must tell you how wonderful your Victorian booth is looking, and how much I adore the costumes you made. So much talent there, Witch!

    Hugs, Kathleen

  4. I love this one! I have to let the shower run before I get in for it to be warm enough! A perfect time to collect a pailful or two! Lovely idea!

  5. good idea. I just started running cold before it warms dish water into the plant watering can. A bucket in the shower will save even more.

  6. Those folding buckets are darling. Sometimes as I'm waiting for warmer water the plants get a shower first.

  7. This is an excellent idea and one I haven't thought of yet. Thank you so much Sea Witch! If any of your readers are looking for a great environmentally friendly soap, you can always lead them to Dr. Bronner's. I love the peppermint soap.

  8. It really adds up! We've had an outdoor watering ban this summer so we've been reusing water as much as possible. I use the water from foods that I boil (lobster, corn, eggs, pasta, etc.) and dump that in my plant containers on my deck. The plants get a few nutrients too!

  9. I agree, it does add up; I do this with an old kool-aid jug! Great post~
    I even save the water my kids don't drink and find a plant to water! It all adds up~ Great post

  10. A beautiful and thoughtful suggestion....thanls for this!

  11. A positively brilliant simple that I wonder why most of us didn't think of it before...clever you! We always have ice cream buckets, (hubby loves his sweets!). As soon as the current one is empty, I know just where it's going...:)

    Thanks for a great idea!


  12. great idea!! another idea for watering plants is to reuse the water left over from steaming veggies. evrey little bit helps!

  13. We live on acreage with tank water so our overflows go to a sprinkler to keep the grass green for our visiting wallabies and which keeps the bunnies off the good plants.
