Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Can it get any weirder?

  My honey and I were tuned into watching another episode of "Sons of Anarchy" and who pops up as an ex porn star but David Hasselhoff. The Hoff!  I had to read up on this so I googled the SOA and sure enough, the Hoff is the newest cast member.

In a surprise bit of casting, David Hasselhoff will be making an earnest return to scripted television by joining SAMCRO in ‘Sons of Anarchy’ season 4 as a… Well, you’ll see, says"Screenrant" columnist, Anthony Ocasio.

In a brilliant bit of casting, series creator Kurt Sutter will provide the “long-awaited” fictional personification of one of Hasselhoff’s most famous images of the past (see below), by tapping the famed Baywatch star for the role of Dondo, a one-time porn star who is known for the size of his… I think you get the picture.

Okay, I don't know if I want to laugh or cry or just shout, "Make it stop." This man always seems to have the cheesiest photos of himself.  His music videos are even sillier.  I mean, is he paying an agent for this?  

Still, "the Hoff" is one of TVs favorite caricatures and you do have to give him props for shows like Knight Rider and especially Baywatch, of which he single handedly made into a viewing and commerical gold mine world wide.  He does know how to laugh at himself all the way to the bank.

Screenrant columnist, Ocasio writes:  With a flawless record of casting Sons of Anarchy – which includes legendary novelist Stephen King – one has to respect Kurt Sutter’s ability to continuously select the right actor for the part. Even though it’s going to be another three months before we find out whether or not Hasselhoff is able to pull off this role, I wouldn’t be too surprised if Hasselhoff’s stint on Sons of Anarchy becomes as legendary as the man himself. 

We shall see.  Sea Witch

1 comment:

  1. Interesting...I've always been a fan, despite his less than stellar behavior, on occasion. I hope he does well. I might even try to watch the show.
