Monday, November 28, 2011

Post Thanksgiving Blessings

Hello Everyone and wishing you all post Thanksgiving  blessings.  I hope everyone had lovely few days with family and friends or if you are a solitary type, a quiet and enjoyable one.  My honey and I were in New York for the holiday and I was surrounded by my New York raviolis for 7 days.  Heaven, I tell ya.  Heaven!  As always, their mommy prepared a fabulous meal and lovely table for all to gather around.  Martha Stewart would have  been proud.
Beautiful farm table surrounded by Windsor chairs and a table set with pretty autumn place mats, crisp white plates and depression glass dessert plates.  Candles nestled in fresh cranberries  and a side table that groaned with tasty morsels.
 Pretty votives lit the table.
Hands down, one of the best appetizers I have had in a long, long time.  Puff pastry with pesto, feta cheese and sun dried tomatoes baked until golden.  We couldn't eat these fast enough.
The twins were christened in the West Point Chapel on Saturday and friends and family gathered to witness it. 
The great moment of this visit for me was the opportunity I had to show Kit Kat how to spin on a spinning wheel.  This lovely 19th century Saxony (flax) wheel was a gift from my son and his wife.  I brought up some fleece and set up the drive band, greased the bobbin and put my foot to the pedal and felt the sweet turning of the large wheel as it moved the  bobbin which established the draw that pulled the fleece into a twist of yarn.  Such joy and marvelous therapy with this very simple act.  Kaitlyn was mesmerized by the process and would pedal the wheel as fast as she could and delighted in how the fleece quickly became yarn in my hands.

My honey and I had an uneventful drive back home and we made marvelous time.  We got back early enough for me to start laundry and 20 minutes into it I found that water was up to my ankles.  Seems the washer decided to go belly up and never turned off the water as the cycles advanced.  Carpet was underwater, tiles were popping in the bathroom and the laminate in the laundry room was a mess.
 Once most of the water receded I was left with this squishy, soapy mess...although my toes do look cute with their sassy polish.  Now comes the fun part...dealing with the insurance agency.
Lots of carpet and padding cut away, tiles removed and laundry room flooring pulled up.  Seven  blowers and one mother ship of a dehumidifier going and we are pulling the moisture out of the concrete slab.  Not the time of the year to have to have replacement flooring done.  All of the furniture has to be moved, items removed and carefully put someplace and no Christmas decor this year.  Sigh.  Oh well, it could have been worse, the damn washer could have broken while I had laundry going before we went to bed...that would have been awful because the water would have been pouring out of the washer for several hours and we would have had antique furniture damaged, so no complaints from me.   I have a lot to be thankful for and of course, you dear friends, for taking a moment out of your day to swim on over and say hello.  Thank you all and blessings to you and those you love.  Sea Witch


  1. Troubles are never any fun and especially right here at the Holidays.Richard from My Old Historic House.

  2. water in the house is the worst! How thankful it didn't go longer.

  3. Yikes, what a mess! and after such a lovely Thanksgiving! Loved the photo of the spinning wheel in action with your sweet ravioli! Good luck with the cleanup!!!

  4. It sounds like you had a blessed and beautiful Thanksgiving. Your little raviolis are precious.
    There is never a good time to have a flood - I am so sorry, but thankful for you that it wasn't worse.
    Happy December!
    ♥ audrey

  5. First I have to say those little ones are too adorable! And the table looks like a feast in heaven, just beautiful! You can spin!!! Oh my I have always dreamed of learning to spin someday, what a wonderful talent that must be.
    Second....oh my what a challenge to come home to, but like you said it could have been worse. I hope it dries quickly and nothing important is permanently damaged.
    Tina xo

  6. Oh no, what a mess! Too bad it ruined so much. I guess you could always decorate the misplaced furniture! Love that you had a wonderful visit with your kiddos in NY. It's so nice that you and Kit Kat bonded over the spinning wheel. I didn't know that was one of your many talents! :-)

