Monday, April 16, 2012

Bloggers, where are you?

Where have you gone?  Are you tired of the blog world or have you moved on to Facebook and Pinterest?  I miss your posts and your photos and your point of view.  Still, I understand that interests come and go. For those of you who are still around and visiting, I'm delighted you have stopped by.  It was a lovely weekend with April southern weather...warm mornings, a little afternoon heat that is perfect for a vitamin D on the face and then cooler nights.  Spent Saturday junkin at my favorite haunts and can I say, "I scored?"  Yea, the sea witch did.  Found some wonderful things and a few surprises...items that I rarely see unless I am in the Midwest.  So let's look at a few photos, shall we?

A major find.  Victorian mantle, 8-day clocks are not often found in the Atlanta area and when they are they need lots of work. This pressed oak beauty is in nearly mint condition needing only a thorough cleaning.  Original everything but the key to wind the clock and set the chimes but that is not an issue for collectors.  A little bit of oil worked into the lovely oak and I wound it up and she sang so sweetly and kept good time.  These mantle clocks must be "level perfect" to keep running and tend to run about 10 minutes fast but this one was keeping solid time.  The chimes are a bit clangy and the gears are very loud when the chimes kick in but the good cleaning will eliminate that.

I placed it on the Victorian sideboard and it looks marvelous on it.  Gives you a good visual about how big it really is.

 Candlesticks of all types are flying out of my booth.  I sold 8 different sets this past week and was hoping to find more as all had sold from by booths.  I was lucky to find more. This is a lovely pair of Reed and Barton heavy, silver plate.  Gorgeous.

This pretty single candlestick from the 1920s was filthy and black but for $4.00, I couldn't walk away from it.  So glad that I took it because it cleaned up beautifully.  This photo does not do the candlestick justice.  Very heavy with lovely filigree work. 
A weighted Sterling dual cup candelabra.  I sell sterling as quick as I can find it, even with repairs, it seems to move.  Also found a three cup candelabra at the same haunt.  Not a sterling piece but a nice, quality silverplate.

A pretty milk glass vase with cabbage roses on it.  Love the shape.
Huge Victorian tapestry runner in soft shades of celery and green.  This baby is over 4 feet in length.
 Sweet little Persian rug is not old but they move so well in this area that I had to grab it for $2.00.  It looks nice with the two Victorian chairs.

 Another find that took me by surprise.  I saw this early 1900s candelabra pair of what I thought was silver plate.  They were black with patina and when I picked them up I knew they were sterling.  They polished up so lovely and that is when I discovered the three silver hallmarks.  Following a little research I found that these are worth quite a bit of money so into my locked case they went.  I can't wait to see who purchases them.
Yea, that is an Apple Juice Bakelite chunky bracelet.  First piece of Bakelite I have found other than pieces that are offered up in antique shows since moving to Atlanta in 2000.  A lovely piece and prices of Bakelite have really skyrocketed over the last few years.  So if you can find it, grab it if it is affordable.
 Pretty flow blue Wedgwood, serving plate  I love the little handle on the side.  
Are you a Mad Men fan?  If so than these vintage martini/cosmopolitan glasses are for you. Quality crystal with that lovely ring and each has different cut patterns on them.  Added Don, his wife and Sterling photos to them just for fun.
 Four pretty Homer Laughlin bread and butter plates and seven Crookville bread and butter plates.  At a quarter a piece, I bought them all.  I love finding deals like these because I can pass them on to my customers.  Half the fun of antiquing, as a collector, is the hunt and a great price.  Homer Laughlin and Crookville collectors will get these at a screaming price, courtesy of I Need This, Antiques.
 I adore cobalt blue on white china and these pretty and heavy ceramic balls are lovely design elements.

 I did a booth redo in my main booth and liked the way this turned out.  The minute I rotate stock, the pieces seem to jump out at customers.  I was selling pieces as I placed them on this shelf and had to replace items several times while working the booth.  Surprised that the pretty poppy painting has not sold yet...but then again, each piece sells in its own time.

I'm one of those funny dealers who likes to rotate whats in my booth after a while.  If I don't move things around I feel the booth stagnates.  This setup really shows off the beachy blue items and it's easy to navigate around and in the booth.

I took the vintage ladderback chair down from the 40s kitchen table it was sitting on and paired it with the Victorian wicker desk.  I really the marriage of the soft blues.  It has such a sweet cottage feel to it.

I would have loved to played with my booth even longer but time was running out and they were getting ready to close the store so I had to let it go.  I have been enjoying our spring this year, not a lot of high pollen count days so everyone is out and about.  Sis and I are going to visit Alpine Bakery again next week.  Can't wait to select a decadent pastry from their case. Wishing you all a lovely week.  Stay healthy and happy and blessings to you and those you love...and p.s.  "don't be a stranga"  Sea Witch


  1. Well, I'm still around, such as I am, lol! Love the flow blue, the clock and really interested in the silver finds. So wish I could visit your booths, but a bit of a road trip for me! Enjoy that bakery again, you decadent sea witch!

  2. Your finds are awesome! I haven't been by lately because I had NO IDEA how much time the blogging world could take. I used to be able to snuggle in on the weekends and just visit. Now I feel like I have to keep up Facebook and what with working a job and having a project due in my other life, it's overwhelming. Have noticed a drop in comments all over though.:(

  3. Hi Sea Witch-

    Yes, I'm still here, but lazy about catching up with everyone! Although I do admit, Facebook and Pinterest do take up the majority of my internet time.

    That clock is wonderful. I love the old clocks! It looks great on the sideboard.

    I really appreciate a well-laid-out antique booth. Do you have repeat customers who appreciate the overhauls? It makes sense, since the eyes overwhelm so easily, and rearranging would bring different items to the forefront. The hunt must be very exhilarating for you, lol!


  4. Still here Dari just been dealing with health issues and trying to stick to a schedule of painting to keep cat food on the table..:)
    I see you are still finding the best treasures wherever you go! Oh if only I was closer..sigh...but within the next 12-18 months I will be moving down to Missouri to be closer to my son and his wife so maybe I will be closer to your neck of the woods and can plan a shopping trip! Save a few goodies for me!
    Tina xo

  5. Hi Witch!

    THANKS for asking! I'm still here too, trying to juggle everything like everyone else!

    Class REunion, Family REunion, granchildren, husband, mother, yard work, housework...won't it ever end??

    Although I don't POST as often, I still READ and I always enjoy reading yours!Thanks for sharing and caring!

    Have a great week.

  6. I'm still here, but have been lazy to your fab finds...the booth looks great..have been busy with family issues...take care..

  7. I peak at your blog all the time just never leave a comment . Keep up the good work you sooo inspire me for my lil shop :O) !

  8. Hi! I found your website looking for information on the antique horse and rider tapestry I received from my grandmother. Lo and behold - I found exactly the same pattern in your picture! Mine is the same horse pattern, but smaller. Do you know anything about it? What years it was made, the artist, the country the pattern came from? It has been in our family for at least four generations (including trekking out to a South Dakota homestead in a covered wagon at the turn of the century) but my grandmother has passed away and I don't know much about its artistic history. I'd be curious if you have any background on it!!
