Sunday, June 19, 2016

Liquid Sand

Glass is a bit of a riddle.  It's hard enough to protect us and yet shatters with incredible ease.  It is made from opaque sand and yet's it's completely transparent.  Glass is one of the world's oldest and most versatile human-created materials.  By heating ordinary sand (which is mostly made of silicon dioxide) until it melts and turns into a liquid and then when it cools it becomes the transparent glass that we know.  When a bit of lead oxide is added to the sand, you then have lead crystal that is the basis for stunning, American Brilliant cut glass.  It was a weekend of finding some lovely pieces along with other treasures.  

A visit to a local thrift shop and I found an assortment of pretty glass pieces, among them is this beautiful, medium size cut glass bowl.

 Lovely cut crystal in marvelous condition, appears to be American brilliant.

Stunning and very heavy cut crystal serving tray. 

Pretty cut crystal cruet with zipper cuts.

From cut crystal to Early American Pressed Glass (EAGP), this lovely serving plate is in perfect condition considering its age of late 1890s.

Lovely controlled bubble art glass vase by Robert Eickholt in the palest shade of lavender.  Signature on bottom.  Eickholt has retired and his pieces are rising in value.  This is a very heavy piece and just beautiful.

Very Rare Fenton Peach Blow Horsehead Medallion Plate. Fenton began making their custard glass in 1915 but the original Fenton name for it was Peach Blow. The horse design on this pattern is based on the famous painting, Pharoh's Horses by John Frederick Herring.  

Pretty little transferware hot plate of the Madonna and Child.

Lovely, handpainted pin tray. It's a small piece but hand painted with the peace Eagle.

From the local thrift shops, I made my way to Snellville as the dealers in Vintage Village had  refreshed their spaces and I had to see what treasure was within.

And of course, My Vintage Heart had filled her space with transferware and ironstone and I had to have this lovely pair of antique white ironstone bowls with the prettiest corn cobs along the rim.  Made me want to go home and prepare homemade chicken corn soup.  The pretty linen under the bowls was also from her space.

My Vintage Heart always has the most interesting things and I fell in love with this hand made, antique rolling pin.

I am always drawn to mother of pearl (MOP) handled flatware so this set of three Victorian butter knives came home with me.  The silver polished up brilliantly.

Now, can you say "Cheese"? 

I'm one of those stubbornly old fashioned gals who loves to use the tried and true tools of another age when it comes to keeping cheeses and butters.  I nearly squealed with delighted when I came upon a shelf full of antique and vintage cheese keepers and they were priced to take home.

Pretty transferware pieces with handpainted designs and decorative handles. 

This is a smaller keeper with clean lines with the look of a piece from a hotel.  I have a little homework to do on this one.

Now, my favorite one is this stunning flow blue with gold lustre keeper.  I can't wait to serve cheese to family and friends with this one.  Now, no need to worry they I took them all, there are still more for the taking at Vintage Village.  Lots of pretty patterns and shapes too.

Finally, made a quick visit to Curious Possessions and found this pair of tintypes. Nothing like bringing home instant relatives.

Hope everyone's week is a good one and stay cool as we try to beat the heat.  Blessings to you and those you love. Sea Witch

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