Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Tie-ing Eggs

Nope, not a typo and I didn't fat finger the keyboard...this year instead of dying Easter eggs I was tie-ing them.  Facebook can be a marvelous source for new takes on old ways of doing things and I stumbled across a post on dyeing Easter eggs using silk ties.  

Everything about this process "floats my boat".  The idea of using 100% silk ties that are no longer being worn to color eggs is a process I had to try.  What you will need:  
  • assortment of 100 percent silk ties
  • packet of rubber bands
  • paper towels or an old white bedsheet cut into 10 inch squares
  • 1/2 cup of vinegar
I brought home a bag full of silk ties from my local Goodwill (spent $7.00).  The ties MUST BE 100% silk.  You then open them up, remove the lining and interfacing (so easy) and then depending on how wide the tie is, you can get two to three eggs per tie.  

Unlike the normal process for dying eggs, you do NOT HAVE TO BOIL your eggs to the hard boil stage to dye using silk ties.

Using a raw egg, place on the colorful, outside of the silk.   Ignore my photo, (I didn't realize I did it backwards until I uploaded the image.)     After you wrap the tie fabric around the egg, use a rubber band to wrap the fabric end tight.  

Examples of eggs wrapped and and bound with rubber bands.  Notice the light side of the tie silk shows on the outside of the egg.

All eggs are wrapped and ready for the next step.  I tried different patterns and colors to see what gives the best designs and color hues.

Now wrap each egg using a paper towel and bind with a rubber band.  You can cut up an old white bed sheet to do this but I find the paper towel works just as well. This will absorb the dyes from getting on other eggs as they boil.

Now, put all of the eggs in a large pot, fill with COLD water (at least two inches above the eggs) and add a 1/2 cup of vinegar.   Set on the stove to begin boiling the eggs.  Put flame/heat on medium-high and once the water comes to a boil, cook for 20 minutes to ensure they are fully hardboiled through.  Now remove from stove, dump out water and fill with cold water to shock the eggs.  

Following ten minutes in the cold water bath, you can put eggs in a colander to completely cool (about 20 minutes).  This is the most difficult part of the process...the wait for the eggs to cool so you can upwrap them and see how the silk ties have dyed the eggs.

 The tie used above and the finished design.

 Tie used above and the finished design.

 Tie used above and the finished design.

 My basket of silk tie dyed eggs.  What I learned is that the smaller the pattern the nicer the design on the egg.    The eggs are edible and safe to eat as the dye is on the outside shell and not the interior of the egg.  Although, I have not done that here, you can rub them with a little cooking oil to make then shine.  This was a fun process and not as messy as traditional dying methods.  I like that I did not have to preboil the eggs so it was a one step process.

I enjoyed this way of dyeing eggs so much that I will begin looking at ties in thrift stores from a whole new perspective.

Once I finished finding silk ties I wanted to use, I headed to the "bric a brac" shelves and found this gorgeous, aqua blue, Empoli snifter.  Mid century, this Italian decorative glass is hot hot hot these days.

 Gorgeous, hand hammered, silverplated water pitcher. This one is in marvelous condition with lots of silver that is shiny and bright.

Love these golden salt and pepper shakers with corks in the bottom.  

My trip to Goodwill to find silk ties was a success as I really loved seeing the patterns that we left on the eggs and finding a "little extree" as they say in the south is always a good day. Wishing all who read my post a Blessed Easter and wishing blessings to you and those you love. Sea Witch

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