Monday, March 30, 2020

New Normal

It's the new normal, it's my new normal, it's the new normal for our family.  What we are all hearing and saying these days.  So many businesses and restaurants are closed, large and small, local and global and it breaks my heart.   Yes, I get it, we have to close to keep this virus in check but it still has me worried about all of the small businesses that may not make it through this financially.  

I'm in the senior age category as I will be 66 in May and I also live with adult asthma.  I had to make a run to my local Home Depot so I'm wearing my black, latex gloves and a wrapped scarf around my face...of course a great pair of sassy glasses make it all come together.

Highway 19 is usually packed with cars coming and going and this is a picture of Saturday at 2:20pm.  Barely a vehicle on the road.

 Had to pick up bolts for a glider loveseat so it was off to the Home Depot.  They now have reduced hours and only allows 200 people in their store at a time.  The line to get in wrapped around their building.  I parked the car and got in line.  Everyone was standing 6-10 feet away from each other and the sun was blazing down on everyone.

The Home Depot folks passed out bottles of icy cold water to everyone waiting in line.  They had associates at one entrance and exit and as people exited the building new shoppers were let in.  They had sanitized carts inside for us as well.  Have to say that Home Depot really had this well thought out.  One of my projects for my home, this year, was to finally tackle the really odd sized and ugly outdoor atrium that is between the two bathrooms.  The homes in my community were built in the 1970s and they thought a "Florida room or atrium" was unique.  However, they are all odd sizes and they left them with the sandy outside without any kinds of flooring. This is the mess I inherited and it's the first thing you see when you enter my front door.  

Most folks pour a concrete floor but then it looks like an afterthought and without drainage for the rainy season.  Pavers or tile are nice but so expensive and then you have to seal them each year.  I really wanted to turn the room into a quiet space with a zen quality to it.

Spent a lot of time looking at Pinterest pins for small spaces and then finally sketched out what I wanted to do with the space.  Now to collect all of the materials and hire strong bodies to remove all of the white rocks, patio block and prep the ground for the composite tile blocks I wanted to lay downl

 Ground is now clear and the layer of commercial grade weed guard has been laid.

An inch of packing paver sand and a good tamping down will level off the area.

Paver boards are the newest and best way for laying either pavers, patio block or the composite decking tiles I will snap in place.  These Paver boards eliminate the need for 4-6 inches of paving sand.

 Gynness loves the tiles as they do not get hot on the feet, even with the hot Florida days. They snap in place like legos making this part of the project move very quickly.

I left an 8 inch area on both sides for drainage and will fill with smooth, black Japanese stones.  I also kept a small garden area in the back where I will plant a pair of banana plants.

Here is the finished look and I adore it.  Still waiting on a second chair to arrive and will be planting a Gardenia tree in the other corner.  What a difference and I'm head over tea kettle with mad love for this new space.  It gets direct sun for about an hour a day and the rest of the time it is all passive so it is a perfect place to sit with morning and evening coffee or tea.

Most of the thrift and antique shops have closed but there was one that was still open so I popped in for a quick looksie.  I was still wearing my gloves and scarf and I was actually the only one in the shop.

Found this lovely, mid century weather set and its now hanging in my home.  I love these and was really glad to find this priced at $6.00.

I seem to find really nice religious items these days and this stunning, French, alabaster marble Crown of Thorns Christ bust was a nifty find.  This is a small figurine but lovely.

A nice baby Jesus figurine in a manager.  

Went into the Lyon's Head Antique Mall to take photos for our facebook page as we are selling off of that as many shops are with the self isolation and business closings.  Found this nice pair of tin types in modern frames.

Hand tinted cheeks on this mother and child tin type.

 Pretty little girl with hand tinted cheeks.  

I'm pretty good about keeping items in the house in case of an emergency as we deal with hurricanes here in Florida.  However, this was a first with how people hoarded everything and continue to making it all but impossible to find "the precious".  I have been unable to find toilet paper anywhere for the last ten days.

Placed an order with Grove Collective, as I like their cleaning supplies, and lucky me, they still had it available on line.  Funny how this box of TP made my day when it arrived.

Sweet girl and me have been hanging around the pool these days.  I do miss visiting local restaurants as this has always been time I liked to spend enjoying a meal with a good book. 

 Still, I am fortunate as I have been blessed with a day job where I already work from home and with outdoor spaces that allows me to be outside without worrying about total self isolation inside of the house.  

My hope and wish is that you are all doing well, my friends, and this virus will bypass you all.  Praying for a quick end to all of this so we can get our small businesses back up and running and yes, with a selfish desire to eat out again on my part.  Blessings to you and those you love...and wash your hands.  Sea Witch 

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