Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Table or Booth?

Those three words I long to hear, "Table or Booth?"  So waiting for the seIf isolation restrictions to slowly lift.  Let me at least share that I am blessed and have it much easier than many others.  I already work remotely so this was not a transition for me.  In addition, I live in Florida where I have a small pool so I can spend time in an outdoor living space.  Between the pool and my spinning wheels and my antiquing, I've got plenty to keep me busy but I miss my social time at local restaurants.  You get to know the people who work there, the owners, the wait staff, the line cooks, etc.  You become part of a local, extended family and I miss this.  In addition, I miss the hunt.  The search for treasure where I can touch things, pick them up and hold them in my hands.  Like so many others, I haunt  the facebook business pages and purchase from the images and then make a trip to curbside pickup with local businesses.  Such a different world these days.

I was taking video of booth spaces in the Lyon's Head Antique Mall last Saturday and saw that our neighbor shop, Junk Co. was upcycling furniture pieces while a dealer was bringing in new items to their booth space.  I took a walk over after taking the video clips and was able to find a bit of treasure.  Have to say it was odd walking into both the Lyon's Head Antique Mall and Junk Co., which are large spaces, and other than the owners not a soul in sight.  My footsteps echoed throughout both shops.

The dealer was bringing in marvelous religious pieces and I was lucky to be the first to see what he brought into his space.  
A nice, 1930s print of St. Anthony of Padua in original frame.

A spectacular chalkware statue of St. Lazarus of Bethany.  Lazarus, found in the Gospel of Luke (Luke 16:19-31), tells of the relationship in life and in death, between an unnamed rich man and a poor beggar named Lazarus.

  Lazarus is often depicted as a starving beggar at the foot of the stairs leading up to a rich man's house, and who was covered in sores that even the dogs came to lick those sores.

  Lazarus was venerated as a patron saint of lepers and forms the basis of one of two missions of the Military and Hospitaller Order of Saint Lazarus of Jerusalem which is dedicated to aid to those suffering from the dreadful disease of leprosy and the defense of the Christian faith.

A magnificent vintage, bronze crucifix. Heavy, oak cross.  This is a large piece and most likely from a Catholic rectory or convent.

The bronze crucified Jesus is beautifully detailed.

The ever popular and always sought after vintage, Lefton turkey.  This one is a planter but I used these for serving bread sticks.

How cool is this 1940s Christmas bell wreath for the front door.  This is so nifty that I may keep it myself.

And finally, this charming child's toy sewing machine.  

So I will clean them and price them and get them ready to take into my space when we can reopen.  I hope that will be soon as I miss all of the dealers and shoppers and my spaces.  So I wish for all to remain healthy and this virus disappear so we can return to our jobs and our lives and the friendships we have made over the years.  Blessings to you and those you love.  SeaWitch

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