November is half over, Thanksgiving is just around the corner and then Christmas will follow quickly after. 2020 continues to confound and I'm not sure if I'm ready for the holidays or want to jump in whole hog. I am grateful that in spite of COVID, sales at the Lyon's Head Antique Mall have been the best in three years. I suspect that antique/vintage shops have become the new entertainment with conversations around the history of things we offer. I have noticed more and more families coming to visit and the conversations are around, "Dad, did you have this when you were a kid?" or "Mom, what is this?" This makes me happy as a new generation is being introduced to what their parents and grandparents lived with and it generates a love and interest in the vintage and antique pieces of tomorrow.
Saturday errands morphed into a quick stop at two of my favorite haunts for treasure and I came home with an eclectic mix of interesting items.
I have a weakness for antique books and this Tarzan, the Untamed, by Edgar Rice Burroughs published by Grosset & Dunlap, 1920 was a surprise sleeper. Has a much higher value than I thought but I still have it priced below book value for the antique book collector.

One Hundred and One Famous Poems is another find.
Lovely impressed leather bound binding. Dated 1929.
Sweet little, Armetell ware bicentennial commemorative mug by Wilton. Circa 1970s
Found a pair of these lovely needle and petite point canvaswork pieces beautifully set in gilt wooden frames. Very 1970s
Nifty vintage wrought iron shelf unit with hooks to hold hats, towels, bathrobes, etc.
I adore vintage and antique instruments as holiday decor. This is an antique violin that has seen much better days and someone painted gold leaf. This would look lovely on a mantle with pine boughs and bright red ribbons.
I sold one of these 1960s small toy accordians about 20 years ago and was delighted to come across another one. This one is in great condition with the paper intact.
I'm selling a lot of antique and vintage clothing these days so I pulled this one out of my 1960s closet and brought it into my booth space. Groovy princess cut shift dress with a teaser neckline. Brilliant psychedelic purple barkcloth.
These vintage beer taps just called to me and I can't explain why. I just like them and I hope a collector will enjoy them as well.
I love these fussy little Victorian pieces.
Pretty holly transferware with gold lustre trim nappy. Circa 1890s
Mid century import, marigold carnival glass decanter is a pretty thing.
Vintage tin tinsel from Germany. Heavy and in original package, never opened.
Sweet, vintage "Light of the World" child Jesus print by Charles Bosseron Chambers in original frame. This is a small piece 5 x 5 inches. Circa 1940s.
My mother had Christmas Lefton holly pieces and I always remember them on the family living room center table. She had candlesticks, nutmeat and candy servers, a teapot and creamer and sugar and we used them throughout December. Finding these brought all of those memories back but still, these will be in my Romancing Christmas space at the Lyon's Head Antique Mall.
Found a bag full of items that were part of a VFW grouping. Need to do a little research on two of the pieces before I put them in the display case.
Terrific pair of chalkware Holy Mother and Passion of Christ statues. I remember seeing these in Catholic homes all over northern New Jersey as a little girl.
A weekend of finding a lot variety of nifty items is a great way to start the week before Thanksgiving. My sister and I will get together and have a great time eating, relaxing, forgetting about our day jobs and binge watching Hallmark Christmas movies and a few on Pure Flix.
So my wish for you is continued health and a gentle Thanksgiving. Blessings to you and those you love. Sea Witch