Below is a macro shot of the shade with the light turned off. You can see the fine sand that was used over the grout to give it the appearence of a beach covered with shells.I love the look of the lit macro shot as it played against my blog background colors that I thought it would make a wonderful blog header. So a little photoshop magic and my narrative copy now fits the new header color scheme and the Sea Witch blog has a new header...or at least until the winds of change blow in again. Have a safe and delightful weekend. Sea Witch
Friday, July 31, 2009
Stop by and take a peek at my
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Blog Header Friendships

Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Things in my house.

Monday, July 27, 2009
Vintage Village - my favorite place to shop.
The Vintage Village website, chock full of all things Vintage Village; our events, pets picks, punch coupon, and lots of photos. ( New photo slide shows are uploaded about every two weeks. Click on the link to visit the cyber side of Vintage Village.

Pretty crystal chandeliers abound in Vintage Village. If you are looking for one, this is the place to come as we have them in every size you could want. Sweet vintage christening dress, pretty cabbage rose bowls and plates and a cottage cupboard in a soft green patina are offered by My Vintage Heart.
Delightful vintage records in bright yellow or red and different size corks are terrific for your altered art pieces.
I am crazy about this vintage paper chest of drawers. My mom always had seasonal sweaters in these when I was growing up. Fantastic price at $32.00.
The famous "Black Cat" poster. Very French!
Sweet Victorian child and puppy painting in lovely vintage frame.
I hope you all have the opportunity to come visit the friendly dealers at Vintage Village. We adore meeting making new friends and saying hello and thank you to old ones.
Oh, and that silver mesh bag that I acquired like the shameless, vintage bag collecting hussy that I it is.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Yellowhead Jawfish hello.

I'm outta here --- go visit something a big, old shark.
These photos were taken with a Canon Elph, using the internal flash housed in an Ikelite underwater housing unit. I am very, very new to underwater photography...more like picture taking as I am such a novice so please forgive my amaturish photos. As I take more pictures, I hope to hone my underwater photography skills.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
New header for Sea Witch
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
How was your weekend?

How fun are these bright and sunny colors? I adore these latest fabrics that are full of retro patterns and put a smile on your face colors.
Couldn't resist this pretty little vintage shade. Love the Steuben like colors of the glass with the pretty etching. Had a few chips, but then don't we all.
Pretty Austrian urn from the 1920s would look lovely filled with your favorite fresh flowers. I'm a sucker for pink lustre ware and these gaudy little pieces just make me smile. I have to laugh as my friends know that I'm not a pink kind of gal (unless it is sun faded) much to my granddaughters chagrin. She lives in a pink and lilac world, God bless her. My style is American Primitive combined with Art Nouveau (now that is a unique marriage)...and of course, shells abound everywhere.
Okay, happy dance again. I love vintage general/country store pieces and this turn of the century tin, "multi-use" spice bin is a wonderful acquisition. The faded green and Times Roman lettering of the word "MUSTARD" actually spins to reveal Baking Powder, Ginger, Cloves and another spice faded and washed away that it is no longer known. You lift the top up to drop in whatever spice the mercantile owner would have and the shopper would utilize the porcelain knob to lift up the bottom to retrieve the amount of spice they wanted to purchase. Overall, the piece has pretty waterfall lines to it and it is in marvelous condition for its age.
As usual, I can be found at Vintage Village sometime over the weekend taking new photos for their website and depositing some of my found treasures for my booth. So many talented dealers here that I can never walk out without even the smallest purchase. Lots of new things in daily. Below are two photos to entice you to come visit. We have the best shabby, chippy lovingly worn items anywhere in town.
So, this was my weekend and now I'm back at my Monday thru Friday 8 to 5 gig, but hey, it's Tuesday and that means Saturday will be here in three days. Whooo hoooo. Have a joyful week everyone.
Friday, July 17, 2009
Guest poster - Rosie Ducks or Duckie Roses?

Wishing you a speedy recovery. The Sea Witch
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Majestic Sea Swap arrived...I'm a happy girl!